#003 – Rob Mitchell: Environmental Chemist

Today’s episode we meet Rob Mitchell, an environmental chemist. Rob along with his partner founded ENV Solutions, he’s a passionate believer in young people, in which he shares an abundant amount of wisdom for, as well as lessons that will hopefully inspire you to learn about your field of passion. He explains how you are the most accountable person in your own life, why you have to understand what you are selling, and love what you’re doing. Rob shares about the hard road to getting where you want to be, using your strengths and also utilising others strengths and abilities, and having the froth factor to do something. In the background of this episode you’ll hear the ocean, and the beautiful song of the pied butcher bird at various point in the interview.

Today’s episode we make our way to Nobby Beach on the Gold Coast to interview Rob Mitchell, an environmental chemist.

Rob along with his partner founded ENV Solutions, he’s a passionate believer in young people, in which he shares an abundant amount of wisdom for, as well as lessons that will hopefully inspire you to learn about your field of passion. Rob explains that you are the most accountable person in your own life, you have to understand what you are selling, and love what you’re doing.


Rob shares about the hard road to getting where you want to be, using your strengths and also utilising others strengths and abilities, and having the froth factor to do something.

Rob has worked hard to to where he is, and later in the interview he shares some statistics about general trends about the time it takes to find your feet after you’ve complete your degree.

Rob’s company practice’s what they preach, for example their office space built on recycled landfill, and all of their offices are made out of recycled building materials, They run completely off off grid and they rely on solar power for the energy requirements, they estimate there outgoings at about a dollar a year

After a coffee and chat we found a quiet spot about 30 metres with from the ocean with complentries of birds and waves.

Rob explains how 70% of graduates find a place in the workforce, but it takes about 5 years to find work and become established within your chosen field.

In the background of this episode you’ll hear the ocean, and the beautiful song of the pied butcher bird at various point in the interview.

Without further preamble, Rob Mitchell


Interview Details

So we’re sitting at a coffee shop in Currumbin on the gold coast, and I’m here with Rob Mitchell. Rob is the founder of ENV Solutions, he’s a qualified Environmental Scientist

I’ll let Rob take it from here..

Last time I was with you we stayed in your front yard, and we had coffee at your favorite coffee shop and you told me about your company, ENV solutions, and how jobs can vary from recycling concrete, to purifying water, and this is a business you’ve set up. can you tell me a little about what you do?

You also mentioned something about the (what he studied) you studied, how has that helped you do what you do in your business?

How has your path changed compared to your plans after you graduated uni.

You also mentioned lifestyle, and how it’s so crucial to have a job that revolves around a lifestyle. How have you created your lifestyle here in Ballina.

When you were fresh out of school, did you find yourself wondering, “what am I gonna do?!” Because I think a lot of people are in that position now, even the younger students who still have a while to go. what’s your advice for them?
Being fresh out of school, what are some of the things you wished you had known going into a life outside of just going to school everyday.
A lot of people studying in uni still don’t know what they’re going to do with their degree.

Last week while we were talking on the phone you briefly mentioned the incredible capability of young people, I very much agree with you, can you elaborate on that?

Did you always know that you wanted to be and was there a specific moment when you realised, “this is what you want to do?”

Lets shift gears a little bit, and dig into the nuts and bolts of your job, you’ve mentioned what your job is, but there’s a difference between working for a company, and running your own business, which is what you do. For you, how does that aspect affect how you work?

You’ve got quite a successful business, what’s your advice for small startups trying to make it.


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“The more you know, the more you realise you don’t know.”


It was a good interview and I did most of the editing in the car travelling back from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast.

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