#006 – Damien Collins: Professional Triathlete

This is the first episode of 2019, and it was actually the first episode in a few months. I hope to pursue consistency in the coming year of the podcast.

Damo has had quite an uncommon journey as an athlete, we touch on being fresh out of school and looking for your path, Damo also talks about how he stumbled upon the idea of being a triathlete, the grind of training and the years it took to find the balance. We touch on success and challenges, and how he really made success happen.

Damien Collins is a professional triathlete and has competed in and won multiple recognised triathlons around the world, and been at the starting line with some of the best endurance athletes.

In this episode we talk about Damo’s journey as an athlete, being fresh out of school and looking for your path. Damo also talks about how he stumbled upon the idea of being a triathlete, the grind of training and the years it took to find the balance, we touch on success and challenges, and how he really made success happen.

Damien shares about some of the things that go through your head in a pro race, and his love for the sport, and why the hustle of the early mornings and hard training becomes much less of a thing because of his commitment determination to reach his goal. We touch on motivation on a physical and mental level, and his drive for life.

Later in the episode, Damien shares about some of the things that go through your head in a pro race, and his love for the sport, and why the hustle of the early mornings and hard training becomes much less of a thing because of his commitment and determination to reach his goal. We touch on motivation on a physical and mental level, and his drive for life.

Damien’s Official Website: https://www.damien-collins.com


Here are the main questions I asked Damo:

  1. Your 28 now, how has the whole athlete journey been for you, what’s involved in the profession you’ve built yourself on?
  2. So many people come out of school and are like “what on earth am I going to do?” Did you find yourself in a similar position when you left school?
  3. Would you say that you stumbled upon the idea of being an athlete, or was it something intentional?
  4. I want to talk about your journey a little bit, you’ve competed in many triathlons around the world, as an amateur and now professional, has there been moments in your career where you had to hustle to get ahead, or make really make success happen?
  5. How important do you think it is for people to make that step and really make success happen for themselves?
  6. Let’s shift gears a little, there’s a really cool quote that says ‘Create Your Future’, Do you think you’ve created your future by doing anything in particular, for example following what you love?
  7. What are some of the things you’ve learned from the profession you’ve chosen? And with that, how has that shaped you as a person?
  8. If someone were to take the same path you’ve taken and become a professional athlete, what are some tips that you wished you’d known starting your career or being fresh out of school?
  9. So our careers are what we hope to make money on, but with that comes a lifestyle, and as the income you make is important, the lifestyle is as important.
  10. Being an athlete, what is your lifestyle, and is it your ideal lifestyle or are you on the road to that?
  11. A big part of your sport is competition, and for a lot of jobs there’s competition in businesses etc, but what you do is different because your performance on that day, is largely responsible for your success, which is quite a big thing. How do you deal with that in terms of what work is involved behind the scenes?
  12. What keeps you motivated to keep training, keep waking up and going for a ride?
  13. Do you keep habits day to day and if so, how would you say that influences your training ethic?
  14. You’ve mentioned what keeps you motivated on somewhat a physical level, I’m interested to know, what is your fuel, your drive for life?

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